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The Power of Ideas

If an idea helps just one person, we think it should be shared.

Our free on-demand conference delivered in partnership with Tes focuses on the topic of attendance.

  • What is the data telling us?
  • Exploring the trends from the wider sector
  • Curriculum design to engage pupils
  • Supporting students with additional needs
  • The interplay between mental health and attendance

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Our sessions

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Steve Rollett, CST and Jo Paddock, Headteacher Exploring the trends and insights from the wider sector.
Owen Carter, ImpactED & Beena Sisodia, E-ACT Difficult questions are asked about the root causes and impact at national level.
Mary Myatt, Lord Jim Knight & Tom Campbell Examples of curriculum design and the importance of engaging out students.
Clive Lawrence, Esteem MAT & colleagues Discussing how we can support our most vulnerable students with attendance.
Prof Tamsin Ford A look at the significant impact of mental health on school attendance.

Meet our speakers

Owen Carter
Managing Director, ImpactED
Owen Carter
Managing Director, ImpactED

Owen Carter is co-founder and managing director of ImpactEd, a not-for-profit organisation which exists to help schools and education providers understand and improve the impact of the programmes they run. A former content lead at Optimus Education, Owen has also worked for The Brilliant Club, an award-winning charity that exists to increase the number of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities. He’s passionate about education and social justice.

Beena Sisodia
Director of Safeguarding & Attendance, E-ACT
Beena Sisodia
Director of Safeguarding & Attendance, E-ACT

Been is the National Director of Safeguarding and Attendance at E-ACT. Beena has been in teaching for over 20 years and has led student care in varying roles from Head of Year to deputy principal, and now at director level for Safeguarding.

Beena is passionate about making a difference to students’ lives, especially when it comes to safeguarding and ensuring all children get the best education.

Steve Rollett
Deputy Chief Executive, Confederation of School Trusts
Steve Rollett
Deputy Chief Executive, Confederation of School Trusts

Steve Rollett is Deputy Chief Executive of the Confederation of School Trusts (CST), the national organisation and sector body for school trusts in England. Before joining CST, he was Curriculum and Inspection Specialist for the Association of School and College Leaders. Steve has sat on a range of advisory bodies, including Ofsted’s curriculum advisory group and the Department for Education’s remote learning advisory group. Originally trained as a history teacher, Steve was a Vice Principal of one of England’s most improved secondary schools before moving into a career in education policy.

Jo Paddock
Headteacher, E-ACT North Birmingham Academy
Jo Paddock
Headteacher, E-ACT North Birmingham Academy

With over 20 years in the education sector, Jo is an incredible leader that inspires both staff and students.

Jo is headteacher at E-ACT North Birmingham Academy.

Mary Myatt
Education adviser, writer and speaker
Mary Myatt
Education adviser, writer and speaker

Mary Myatt is an education adviser, writer and speaker. She trained as an RE teacher and is a former local authority adviser and inspector. She engages with pupils, teachers and leaders about learning, leadership and the curriculum.  

Mary has written extensively about leadership, school improvement and the curriculum: Her current work focuses on the Huh Curriculum series for primary, secondary and SEND alongside the Huh Academy with John Tomsett.  

 She has established Myatt & Co an online platform with films for ongoing professional development including the popular Primary Subject Networks and Secondary Subject Networks 

 Her most recent work is the development of The Teachers’ Collection, underpinned by the findings from the ‘Faster read’ research from the University of Sussex.  

Mary is a patron of CAPE, has been a governor in three schools, and a trustee for a Multi Academy Trust. She maintains that there are no quick fixes and that great outcomes for pupils are not achieved through tick boxes. 

Lord Jim Knight
Chair of Trustees, E-ACT
Lord Jim Knight
Chair of Trustees, E-ACT

Lord Jim Knight was created a life peer in 2010 and is currently vice chair of the all-party parliamentary group for the teaching profession. As a government minister, he served as Minister of State for Schools and was a member of Gordon Brown’s cabinet.

He has since held various leadership roles including at Tes Global, where he was chief education and external officer. He also founded Tes Institute, which is now the fifth largest qualifier of teachers in England, and has managed Tes Resources, a global teacher community of 13.5 million users.

Tom Campbell
Tom Campbell

Tom Campbell joined E-ACT as Chief Executive having previously been Chief Education Officer at Greenwood Academies Trust.  As an experienced executive and non-executive director, Headteacher and teacher with over 20 years in the education sector, Tom brings a track record of transforming schools at scale, rapid yet sustainable improvement strategies and strong partnerships across the system.  Tom is committed to ensuring pupils at E-ACT feel safe in school, enjoy their learning and make exceptional progress.

Tom’s academic background in Psychology alongside his executive education at the University of Cambridge, is reflected in his leadership of E-ACT.  A forensic focus on culture, organisational development, innovation and strategic management form the basis of E-ACTs ongoing work in continuing to grow and improve as a strong trust.

Tom is a Fellow of both the Chartered College of Teaching and of the RSA.

Professor Tamsin Ford
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
Professor Tamsin Ford
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Cambridge

Tamsin Ford is a Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. Her academic work focuses on the effectiveness of interventions and the efficiency of services in relation to the mental health of children and young people, with a particular focus on the interface between the education and health systems. She completed her PhD at the Institute of Psychiatry, and moved to Exeter in 2007, where she set up the Child Mental Health Research Group. She moved to Cambridge in 2019.

Jon Severs
Editor, Tes
Jon Severs
Editor, Tes

Jon Severs is editor of Tes. He has been a journalist for 15 years, starting at Haymarket Publishing and going on to write for several leading B2B titles, including PropertyWeek, The Grocer, and RetailWeek. He has also written for consumer titles, including The Independent. He joined Tes in 2012 as a features editor, and went on to become commissioning editor. He became editor in January 2021.

Clive Lawrence OBE
Chief Education Officer, Esteem Multi-Academy Trust
Clive Lawrence OBE
Chief Education Officer, Esteem Multi-Academy Trust

Clive Lawrence OBE is currently Chief Education Officer at Esteem Multi-Academy Trust, which consists of 12 alternative provision’s (AP), special and primary schools. Prior to this, Clive was a trust strategic director of special schools as part of a large mixed multi-academy trust and an executive headteacher of a large split-site special school. Clive has previous headship, leadership, and teaching experience in a range of mainstream and specialist settings. He is a qualified teacher, has a master’s degree in special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and holds the National Professional Qualification in executive leadership. Clive is also a National Leader of Education and provides support to schools in challenging circumstances. His areas of expertise include leadership and management, school improvement, disadvantaged pupils, looked after children (LAC), behaviour, inclusion and SEND. 

Dan Worth
Senior Editor, Tes
Dan Worth
Senior Editor, Tes

Dan is senior editor at Tes with a focus on policy and analysis in England, school leadership and the international school market, including hosting the Tes International Podcast interviewing school leaders about innovations and new developments in their settings.

Dan has been a journalist for 15 years and before working in education was a technology journalist, travelling regularly across Europe, America and Asia to report on major development from the world’s biggest companies. He has interviewed numerous high profile education experts, technology executives, politicians and celebrities and appeared regularly on both TV and radio such as Sky News, BBC Radio 2 and CNN, to discuss major stories. He started working at Tes in February 2020 and is on Twitter @danworth.


E-ACT Ideas: Attendance

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